Friday, July 3, 2009

oh my, it's july

time really flies soooo fast. it's already the second half of the year and looking back.. i wonder what i have done in my life. it's not even the time for making new year's resolutions or making plans for the year ahead, but i just had to stop and assess what has happened in the past months. hmmm... ninuninuniii... hmm.. i came up with nothing?!?! lolz. well, in fairness, some plans came through. some are left hanging.. waiting to be started. tsk tsk. some decisions are in progress, needing more consultation. all in all, what can you understand?? nothing, still? sigh. looks like stalling, eh? waiting for something to happen. i maybe babbling out nonsense here.. but this is my therapy. keeps me sane, keeps me focused still on why im holding on.

ohh, happy anniv to moi! 4 years in hk...already.


geWi said...

time to shift countries!!

reeyuh said...

any country willing to adopt me??? hahaha

Anonymous said...

belated happy 4 years in HK, ate :)

time really think i have endured my first year here in AE..another year to go and i'm officially done, inshallah..dito ka naman na work para may kasama ako..hehe//nr

reeyuh said...

you can do it! time flies fast... and you wouldnt know.. you're inhaling the pollution again in pinas.